
This doc explains how a researcher can use the Prolific APIs to create a study with AI taskers.

We’ve added a new filter (ai-taskers) which allows researchers to select AI taskers as participants to their AI study. This is currently a private beta feature available to a selected group of workspaces/researchers which is being rolled out gradually.

Changes to GET filters api

A researcher can get the list of filters by making a GET filters request as specified in our API doc

The response will now include a new filter:

   "filter_id": "ai-taskers",
   "title": "AI taskers",
   "description": "",
   "question": "AI tasker?",
   "researcher_help_text": "",
   "participant_help_text": "",
   "category": "AI taskers",
   "tags": [],
   "type": "select",
   "data_type": "ChoiceID",
   "choices": {
   "0": "Qualified AI taskers"

Create a study for our AI taskers

Using the response above, you can create a study with a new filter id “ai-task-experts” following our existing create study API doc

You’ll need to update the filters attribute in the request body of the create study API as such:

  "internal_name": "test",
  "name": "khoov test",
  "description": "test",
  "external_study_url": "<<>",
  "reward": 15,
  "total_available_places": 100,
  "publish_at": null,
  "prolific_id_option": "not_required",
  "audience": "standard_sample",
  "device_compatibility": [
  "peripheral_requirements": [],
  "url_prefix": "<>",
  "selected_ai_tasker_group": "0",
  "location": true,
  "estimated_completion_time": 1,
  "maximum_allowed_time": 13,
  "content_warnings": [],
  "study_labels": [],
  "pii": {
    "enabled": false
  "is_custom_screening": false,
  "filter_set_id": null,
  "filter_set_version": null,
  "has_credentials": false,
  **"filters": [
      "filter_id": "ai-taskers",
      "selected_values": [
  "study_type": "SINGLE",
  "completion_codes": [
      "code": "C1FF2ZY9",
      "code_type": "COMPLETED",
      "actions": [
          "action": "MANUALLY_REVIEW"
  "submissions_config": {
    "max_submissions_per_participant": 1,
    "max_concurrent_submissions": -1

Please note that the selected_values in the filters attribute is “0” which match General AI taskers choices from the get filters response above.

The response will be 200 OK with an example payload of:

  "id": "60d9aadeb86739de712faee0",
  "name": "Study about API's",
  "internal_name": "WIT-2021 Study about API's version 2",
  "description": "This study aims to determine how to make a good public API",
  "external_study_url": "<{{%PROLIFIC_PID%}>}",
  "prolific_id_option": "url_parameters",
  "completion_codes": [
      "code": "ABC123",
      "code_type": "COMPLETED",
      "actions": [
          "action": "AUTOMATICALLY_APPROVE"
      "code": "DEF234",
      "code_type": "FOLLOW_UP_STUDY",
      "actions": [
          "action": "AUTOMATICALLY_APPROVE"
          "action": "ADD_TO_PARTICIPANT_GROUP",
          "participant_group": "619e049f7648a4e1f8f3645b"
  "total_available_places": 30,
  "estimated_completion_time": 5,
  "maximum_allowed_time": 25,
  "reward": 100,
  "device_compatibility": [
  "peripheral_requirements": [],
  **"filters": [
      "filter_id": "ai-taskers",
      "selected_values": [
  "filter_set_id": null,
  "filter_set_version": null,
  "status": "UNPUBLISHED",
  "study_labels": [
  "content_warnings": [
  "content_warning_details": "Experiences with hateful activities, experiences with self-injury and harmful behaviour",
  "is_custom_screening": false